something big is on the horizon

April 23, 2014

Oh friends. What a few weeks it has been.

I came home from Making Things Happen fired up about creating personal balance in my work life. Ready to prioritize taking care of myself, above the never ending todo list. Ready to say that going for a long walk outside in the morning was JUST as important to me as responding to emails and getting a blog post up. I had learned how to be productive over the past year, but somehow had lost myself in the midst of it. I had forgotten what I was passionate about in my PERSONAL life- that life I used to have away from my computer.

My strength for sure is that I pour myself into my business. I absolutely love it. I love creating, building, and seeing big goals happen. I was born to be an entrepreneur and I can’t imagine my life any other way now. That same strength, is also my weakness. Because I would spend all my free time on my business if I wasn’t careful. So above anything else, Making Things Happen really helped me pin point things that I want to do for ME, which will in turn make me a better business owner. There’s no point in running a million successful projects and businesses if at the end of the day you are a complete stress mess! The most practical walk way, was creating a list of 5 Daily Essentials. These are 5 things that are essential for you to have your best day and be the best version of yourself.  Whether it’s devotional time, exercise, cooking a healthy meal, spending the end of the day cleaning up for the morning- whatever those things are. To write them down and commit to seeing them happen every day. These are small, attainable pieces of your day that you can practically make happen by choice. If I got nothing else from that conference, this was by far the most revolutionary for me. It sounds simple, and it is. Sometimes we overcomplicate our life with systems, when the solution can be as simple as knowing we need to go for a walk before our email to be our best version of ourself for others.

As I brainstormed with my friend over those few days about a new business venture she wanted to pursue, I found myself wishing I was walking away from the conference with some big idea. Call it the entrepreneur in me, but I just love those fire you up ideas that serve as a catalyst into the next season. Things in my photography business were going well, and other than a few areas of refining that I had been working on in the client experience, I really didn’t know where I was going to pour myself into next. I left the conference ready to take care of ME, but had no idea what was about to come my way.

It wasn’t a week after the conference when I was reminded of something HUGE that I had wanted to do, but never really entertained the thought of on a serious-it might actually happen-way. One of those “oh that would be cool, but there’s no way that just I myself could do that” ideas.  And perhaps, had I not gone to Making Things Happen, I wouldn’t have ever had the confidence to step out and do it. I’ll never know.

But this I do. That life is too short to spend it wishing I had pursued things that I really wanted. All of a sudden, through conversations with friends, I realized that idea was not too big. That if broken down into action steps, it was completely attainable. And exciting. And perfect for me. And it was as if God had been setting me up for it all along. That all those moments at the conference wishing I was there with some big idea to “Make Happen”, that God was smiling knowing exactly what was coming my way! Within DAYS, everything fell into place and I made HUGE steps towards seeing this come true!

I shared this picture after signing a contract for this big secret project on Instagram before I left for Easter weekend in Maine. It is still a secret, and I am crazy excited to sit down today and work on it! Just know that something HUGE is coming this Summer so stay tuned! EEEEK! Tiffany Farley is a Fine Art portrait photographer with clients spreading across New England and beyond. A self-taught photographer, Tiffany launched her business in 2011 and has since carved her niche in the industry through "Connection Portraits," a unique specialization that focuses on the intimate connection that exists between just two.


To learn more about booking your Connection Portrait Session or the popular Motherhood Collective, contact Tiffany via the Connect link in the menu, or email directly at TIFFANY@TIFFANYFARLEY.COM.

Tiffany is located in New Haven, Connecticut, and frequently travels to her clients from Bar Harbor to San Francisco.

To find out details regarding her upcoming travel dates, or to book a custom travel session, please contact for more information.

 Tiffany also offers a limited number of mentoring sessions for photographers each month, both in-person and online.
 If you are looking to refine your brand experience from start to finish, be sure to check out details HERE.

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